Physician Engagement Surveys

Physician Surveys

Physician Surveys are very important to gauging physician job satisfaction. It identifies what is important to them – and it finds gaps between what they would like to experience and what they are experiencing. It also measures their current level of engagement with their organizations and their work, which is important as engagement has a significant impact on retention and recruitment.

The survey focuses on quality-of-work issues that are important to physicians, with scores quantified using a 5-point Likert scale and open ended questions. The survey also demonstrates that health care organizations can take actions to improve engagement — participation and buy-in — among their physicians.

Measure Physician satisfaction with Board surveys

About Our Physician Survey

Physician SurveysOur Physician Surveys are administered online through a secure link that allows for complete anonymity for each employee. They are fully automated and include easy information uploads, data scrubbing, automated emails, results scanning, and an interactive dashboard.

Our system utilizes custom dashboards that give you real-time results tracking and breakdowns by department and individual. It gives you a simple and intuitive way to analyze physician satisfaction and track trends.

Viewing Your Physician Survey Results

From the dashboard, you can quickly navigate your survey data and track response rates and receive alerts about unsatisfactory survey answers. Having this data in a concise, user-friendly format allows you to address issues or problems in a timely manner, helping to improve quality of care and physician satisfaction.

Professional analysis with onsite visits

I want a Physician survey demoWhy Survey Solutions?

  • Quick onboarding process
  • Simply upload your data – we take it from there
  • Interactive dashboard that allows you 24/7 access to your data
  • Track response rates and survey results down to individual surveys

June 26 1p central
Five Star Survey Mastery Class - Learn It! Series
Presented by Michelle Hansen and Julie Russell

Learn More

Have Questions?

To speak to someone today, please contact:

Jake Hanson

Office: 309-966-5998
